README: This file discusses the latest version of the Venus 1500 Companion Finder software. Title: Venus 1500 Companion Finder Version: 1.1 Release Date: 10 December 2012 1.0 New features in this release 1.01 Updated .NET Framework check for .NET 4.0 Full. Previously .NET 3.5 SP1. 1.02 Updated to check system power settings for Ticker support. 2.0 Bug fixes in this release 2.01 N/A 3.0 Known Issues 3.01 On Windows XP when Automatic updates are turned off the user will have a warning that they need to run windows updates even if they do this manually. ************************************************************************************ Copyright (c) by Daktronics, Inc. 2012 Venus, Galaxy, GalaxyPro are trademarks or registered trademarks of Daktronics, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.