Walgreens Test App Revision History version (11-20-2015) Updated DD1425608 firmware to 3.11.3 Fixed AF3500 Configuration files (Using ED1372432.RBF instead of DD1686956.RBF-002) Added feature to automatically select the configuration from the dropdown if the current configuration of the display matches. (AF3500 only) Fixed a bug on the main view where the color depth was showing Tricolor256 instead of Monochrome4096 version (5-7-14) Added AF3500 configuration files Added AF3500 verification messages Added DD1425608-3.11.1 firmware version (10-21-11) Lowered buffer size on serial port loopback testing to the max packet size specified in the m2 protocol. New buffer loopback test size is 256 bytes. Known Issues: 1) Long loopback test will fail if connection to display had previously been attempted. Solution is to restart DakFirmInstaller and run the long loopback test with out connecting to the display. version (2-15-11) Added display emulator configuration files Added ED15159-1.02.11 firmware Added support for Windows 7 & Vista No longer support Windows 98, ME, 2000, or NT Known Issues: 1) Windows 7 - Program Compatibility Assistant will open when closing the software. Click the Cancel button as it is not necessary to reinstall the software. 2) Any attempted communication after cancelling out of the Verification Test Wizard may force the software to close unexpectedly. version (12-1-10) Fixed an issue with parsing the firmware version with the response of a Get Sign Type command. version (8-19-08) Fixed an issue with detecting Daktronics Reader Boards using Walgreens Protocol that would get identified as a HiTech display instead. This appeared to be an issue with 16 high displays. version (11-29-07) Added a command line switch /b to try connecting with all valid baud rates using both Hi-Tech and V1500 protocols. Use /b (where is replaced with an integer valued baud rate) to connect using a specific baud rate. This attempts connection with both Hi-Tech and V1500 protocol. Valid baud rates include (Tested in left to right order): 115200, 19200, 56700, 38400, 28800, 9600, 4800, 2400 version (11-26-07) Updated firmware to V1.02.5 version (7-30-07) Fixed another packet validation bug for Hi-Tech's "Get Sign Type" function version (7-27-07) Fixed an issue with downloading configuration files. version (6-28-07) Updated firmware to V1.02.3 version (6-27-07) Logs a "JOB ERROR 0" if all displays were NOT Daktronics board readers version (6-26-07) Fixed packet validation bug for Hi-Tech's "Get Sign Type" function Version (5-25-07) Allows custom hold time for the default factory messages in the verification wizard. Distinguishes between a Galaxy and Hi-Tech board when auto connecting Sets the date & time before sending the second message in the verification wizard Added button to System tab to set the time/date Updated wording on Verification Test to say "Walgreens" instead of "Opening Soon" Added command line switch for updating any firmware. /anyfirm - Allows update of any firmware Version (1-18-07) Added Protocol and Baud Rate back to the log file Fixed the issue with deleting firmware files on the display Added log messages for the current controller firmware version and the firmware version that is being downloaded Added a new error code for an unsuccessful firmware update [*TASK ERROR 514*] Firmware was downloaded on DISPLAY_NAME, but failed to take effect Version (1-8-07) Added a wizard to go through parts of the Walgreens LED Reader Board Verification Test form. Version (1-2-07) Added error codes for error log messages Updated built-in firmware to version 1.02.1 Updated the configuration files and added the following display configurations: 64x224 RGB32K 32x128 RGB32K 32x80 RGB32K 8x96 Monochrome 64 Version (7-6-06) Fixed the problem with parsing multiple address IDs from the Displays.dat file Fixed the problem with the silent updater (/s) not running correctly Version (6-29-06) Fixed the problem of updating multiple controllers that are on the same communication line. Version (4-18-06) Updated built-in firmware to version 1.02.0 Version (4-10-06) Updated built-in firmware to version 1.02.0 Added command line switches for automatic updates and logging. The following are the command line switches that you may use: /a - Starts the automatic firmware update process /s - Run silent (no GUI) - This implies /a, so if /s is set in the command line it will also start the automatic update process /f "file path" - firmware file to use. Can include full file path wrapped in quotes (/f "C:\Daktronics\Firmware\Temp\ED15159.EXE") or just the local (/f ED15159.EXE) which will assume in the same directory as the test app. If the /f switch is not present in the command line then the internal firmware file of the test app will be used. /lX - logging enable/disable - /l1 (enable), /l0 (disable), default is disabled /lf "file path" - log file path - similar to the firmware file path above there can be either a full path (/lf D:\stdfcfg\log\DakFirmLog.txt") or just the local path (/lf DakFirmLog.txt). If not present and logging is enabled the log will be written to the same directory as the application. Log file name will always be DakFirmLog.txt /df "filepath" - Displays.dat filepath - similar to the firmware file path above there can be either a full path (/df "D:\Program Files\HiTech\Complay 3.0\bin\displays.dat") or just the local path (/df displays.dat). This must be present if the /a or /s switches are given. Version (12-20-05) Added 3 new configuration files that the user can choose from. They are the following: 48x192 RGB 32K 64x224 Mono 64 32x64 Mono 64 Version (11-10-05) updated the built-in firmware version from V1.01.2 to V1.01.3 Updated Firmware to version V1.01.4 prior to release Added 4 new configuration files that the user can choose from, which are: 16x80 Mono 64 24x80 Mono 64 72x240 RGB 32K 48x160 RGB 32K Version (7-5-05) Made updates to the available configuration files Updated the version of the built-in firmware.