README.TXT This file discusses the latest version of the VLink 1500 Management Studio software. Title: VLink 1500 Management Studio Version: 1.8.1 Release Date: 6 July 2010 The VLink 1500 Management Studio software has the following minimum system requirements: - Personal computer running Windows 2000, XP, Vista, or 7 with the most current updates installed, 32-bit versions only. - Pentium® II processor, 400 MHz or higher - 128MB RAM or higher - 10MB free hard disk space - Microsoft® Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher - Mouse or other compatible pointing device - Supported communication device (serial port, modem, or Ethernet Network) ******************************************************************************************** 1.0 New features in this release 1.01 Changed the display names for "Module Type" on the Type page to be more distinguishable. Now includes "VMAX 4", "PROLINK 4", and "SSL PROLINK 4". 1.02 Added the ability to delete the Bootload File after bootloading by checking the "Delete Bootload File" checkbox. 1.03 Changed the warning that showed when trying to enable VMAX when PSDL was already enabled (or vice versa). It now states: "VMax and PSDL cannot both be enabled. Do you wish to disable PSDL?" 1.04 Added a new test pattern: "Connection Diagnostics". When in this pattern, the controller will perform connection diagnostics and save them to the file "CONN_DIAG.TXT". 1.05 The results of the Connection Diagnostics test pattern are displayed in the Diagnostics tab, in the Connection Diagnostics sub-tab. If CONN_DIAG.txt does not exist, the tab will be empty. 1.06 Added support for GPS coordinates that will automatically dim the display when it calculates that it is night time where the display is located. This is located on the new GPS page under the Configuration tab. 1.07 Added 30x30 module type along with the ability to select cursor sizes on the calibration page in 2 pixel increments. 2.0 Bug fixes in this release 2.01 Some text was cut off when the user's computer was using Windows Vista or Windows 7 at a display zoom of 125% (sometimes the default display zoom). This has been resolved. 2.02 Sending the same Valo Sync Schedule twice would fail the second time. This has been resolved. 2.03 When entering the Calibration page, VLMS would always try to download FACE0.INTENSITY.BIN and FACE1.INTENSITY.BIN. Now FACE1.INTENSITY.BIN is only downloaded if the controller is configured with two faces. 2.04 Template Updates and Additions as needed. 3.0 Known Issues 3.01 When sending groups of files, it is possible for smaller sized files (< 200 KB) to be skipped in the transfer if there are intermixed with files of a larger size (i.e. 1.0 - 1.5 MB). 3.02 When retrieving certain files from a VLink 1500 controller the transfer may not complete. To date this behavior has only been experienced with one file (ED13305.exe) during testing. 3.03 After performing a reset on a VLink controller, occasionally the UI will show as connected after clicking OK in the confirmation dialog. Copyright (c) by Daktronics, Inc. 2006 Venus, DataTrac, InfoNet, Galaxy, GalaxyPro, Glow Cube, SunSpot and VLink are trademarks or registered trademarks of Daktronics, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.